Round floor plate coversRunde dørkpladedæksler tegning

We supply various types of covers for round wells. Type RB are for straight manhole frames and type RD for cone-shaped. The round covers are made from aluminium as standard and equipped with hinge, external handles and fittings for padlock. The covers are also available with insulation and vent cap.

Our multi-part aluminium covers provide another solution for round wells.
The two-part type OD consists of two halves for opening and a fixed centre beam.
The three-part type TD consists of a fixed part, which is bolted onto the manhole frame and two halves, which open separately.

We produce many special solutions for round wells. Partly in the form of different dimensions and partly in the form of combined covers, where a rabbeted cover is fitted onto a round fixed covering.


Lid and fittings: Aluminium, hot-dip galvanized steel, stainless steel AISI304 and AISI316.
Standard size: Ø 600 mm x Ø 800 mm.
Padlock fittings.
Spring assist.
Vent cap.

Example 1:

Rundt dørkpladedækselRound floor plate cover
Load: 2 kN

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Example 2:

3-delt rundt dørkpladedæksel3-part round floor plate cover
Load: 2 kN

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