Slide Gate

Gerhardt Christensen A/S produces different types of slide gates that, among other things, stand out for different kinds of seals:

Slide gate Type II

• Wedge-shaped slide gate with 4-sided seal from NBR – 4 pcs. of adjustable wedges
• Inside measure: Width up to 6,000 mm. Height up to 2,000 mm

Slide gate Type II L

• Wedge-shaped slide gate with 4-sided seal from NBR.
The wedge effect, which forces the gate plate against the seal, is achieved between the frame and the gate plate.
• Inside measure: Width up to 7,000mm. Height up to 2,000 mm
The gate frame of type II L is open at the bottom in the full width of the gate and subsequently, does not tend to clog up with impurities and prevent the gate from closing.
Common for Type II and Type II L
• Pressure from the front and rear 6 mVs
• Need a clear distance of 75 mm below the bottom flow of the gate
• Available with non-rising spindle (spindle nut on the gate plate) or with rising spindle. Rising spindle is easier to service (easier to lubricate) than a non-rising spindle
• Can be operated by hand or by drives
• Frame and gate plate of stainless steel
• The gate frame is either bolted directly onto concrete or onto a concreted-in frame with threaded inserts

Slide gate Type 7.3

Type 7.3 has a 3-sided seal. 2 vertical lip seals and 1 horizontal seal in the bottom rail (compression seal).
This type is suitable for blocking in a canal. The maximum water level is limited by the height of the gate plate.

Slide gate Type 7.4

Type 7.4 has a 4-sided seal. 2 vertical lip seals and 2 horizontal seals, 1 in the bottom rail of the gate (compression seal) and 1 in the top rail of the gate.
This type is suitable as slide gate in untreated sewage and for regulation, where the water passes under the gate plate as it slides in a guideway from open to closed position. At the same time, the seals on the 3 sides are active from open to closed position. This ensures that all water is forced to pass through the opening under the gate plate.

Common for Type 7.3 and Type 7.4
Inside measure: Width up to 6,000 mm.  Height up to 2,000 mm
• Pressure from front and rear
• The bottom of the frame can be placed flush with the bottom flow of the structure or pipe. The advantage of this design is that impurities, sand and the like do not build up before or after the gate
• Available with 1 or 2 spindles
• Available with non-rising spindle (spindle nut on the gate plate) or with rising spindle. Rising spindle is easier to service (easier to lubricate) than a non-rising spindle
• Can be operated by hand or by drives
• Frame and gate plate of stainless steel
• The gate frame is either bolted directly onto concrete or onto a concreted-in frame with threaded inserts

Example 1

skydespjaeld-eks1Slide gate Type II with 4-sided seal
Drive: Operated by hand

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Example 2

skydespjaeld-eks2Slide gate Type II L with 4-sided seal
Drive: Motor or by hand

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Example 3

skydespjaeld-eks3Canal slide gate Type 7.3 with 3-sided seal for treatment plant

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Example 4

skydespjaeld-eks4Slide gate Type 7.4 with 4-sided seal for regulation structure
Pressure front and rear: 4 mVs

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Example 5:

skydespjaeld-eks5Slide gate Type 7.4 with 4-sided seal for treatment plant
Pressure front and rear: 4 mVs

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Example 6

skydespjaeld-eks6Slide gate Type 7.4 with 4-sided seal for pump station
Pressure front and rear: 3 mVs
Drive: Motor-controlled

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Example 7

skydespjaeld-eks7Slide gate Type 7.4 with 4-sided seal for pump station
Pressure front and rear: 3 mVs
Drive: Motor-controlled

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Example 8

skydespjaeld-eks8Hydraulic slide gates Type 7.4 with 4-sided seal for pump station
Pressure front and rear: 4 mVs

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